Wow! That was a quick month...
OK, so it's not actually been a month but we wanted to get the newsletter out early so we can remind you of a few things! Of course, with the play just around the corner, next weekend is set build. The set's going to be a bit more of a challenge than of late so if you're able to come along and help out it would be much appreciated. We'll need all hands on deck on Friday night (from 6.30pm please) to clear the stage, the flat cupboard, get the stage flooring down and hopefully some of the flats up. Some of those involve muscles but there are also plenty of 'holding a bit of wood' jobs if you're not feeling strong! Plus, of course, the most important tea-making duties. Then on Saturday (10am) it'll be getting the rest of the set built and then papering and painting. Anyone can slap some paste on wallpaper or paint a wall so do please come along - many hands make light work. You even get lunch thrown in - but please let us know if you'll be there so we can cater. We'll be finished in the afternoon in time to get home for Strictly! 10am again on Sunday, more painting, I expect and lots of finishing touches, furniture, props, curtains etc. It's off to the Rose and Crown for lunch so do let us know if you want to come as we'll need to book a table (we'll do that after Tuesday's rehearsal!) Then, of course, we have to take it all down again on Sunday 18th so please come along and lend a hand, it's so much easier if we have a team of people. If you haven't got your tickets for Blithe Spirit yet, why not? It's such a great show, just the thing to brighten a cold November day! Bring all your friends along for a night out! Tickets are on sale now from our website or on the phone or you can pop into the Rose and Crown and maybe even take advantage of their meal-deal offer! Following the play we will, of course, be having a wash-up, this will be on Tuesday 20 November and will be followed by a read of the play that Phil is putting forward for the Spring. He's written it himself and, having had a sneak peek, I must say I was rather impressed, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. Then later that week we have the (in)famous Castle Players Quiz. This is devised and hosted by our very own Phil McMullen who always does an exceptional job of these with his sometimes fiendishly tricky questions. This is open to everyone, members and patrons of course, but also friends and family and members of the public. It's only £2 each to enter. There will be Castle Players economical bar there too plus some yummy cakes and refreshments. So come on, get a team together for one of the cheapest, most enjoyable nights out you'll find. And if you're really clever (or thick) you might win a prize. What a busy old month November is! And of course there's Castle Players Christmas do on 14th December. We've booked a table at the Rose and Crown and they need to know your food choices and have a £5 deposit by the end of set build weekend (see below for more details) I'm sure I'll be seeing you all at least once this month so looking forward to that.