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March... apparently yesterday was the first day of meteorological spring. Think I'll wait until the equinox personally before I call it spring. That said, on my recent walks hither and thither the evidence of renewal, the increasing numbers of flowers peeping through the ground, the days drawing out, it makes me feel good to be alive! And talking about renewal, it seems Castle Players' rise, Phoenix like, from near death continues. This time of year is usually quiet for Castle Players but, since you told us it would be good to get together once in a while, we've already had one play reading. That was on the 12th of February. Jo very kindly organised it and chose to surprise us all with Noel Coward's Present Laughter. I've never read or seen that play, I don't think many of the eighteen of us who turned up (yes you read that right, eighteen, one eight) had either. It is a cracking play and I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed not just reading the play but the social occasion to meet up with friends for a bit of natter too. At the read through we all decided that we would repeat the experience on the second Sunday of each month. We'll see how that goes; I know there are some people who can't do Sunday's so I think we'll need to swap things about now and again so everyone has a chance. Linsey and Phil toddled off to Wareham library last Monday to see what gems they could find for the next one which will be on 12th of March. I've no idea what they've chosen but I'm really looking forward to another nice surprise. This time, to make it even more of a social event and to make it a bit more cosy than the Blanchard room in the Village Hall we have agreed with the Rose and Crown that we can hold the play reading there instead. We thought it would be really lovely and make a bit of an occasion of it if we booked a table for a smashing Sunday lunch before hand. Let Linsey know by the 5th if you'd like to join us, the more the merrier. Bring along your friends too. By the way, this is your society so please let us know if there's anything you'd particularly like to read, or in fact let us know of any other ideas you have for a get together. That's about all there is for this month, said it was quiet, but please let all your friends and neighbours know what Castle Players are up to. I know it seems a long way off but please also keep up interest in the up and coming things we're up to. Especially the panto read through and auditions and the one acts. Take care, enjoy the lighter evenings and I hope to see you all on the 12th. All the best, Chairman Steve

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