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Auditions coming up!

Is it really another month flown past? I can't believe we're almost half way through the year. No wonder I feel so old! Last time we had this little chat we were about to go to Jo's to read through Talking Heads by Alan Bennett. Which we did. It's a funny old world isn't it? Jo very carefully chose a show that requires very few people and no set largely, I think, in response to our earlier woes when it seemed we couldn't even cast a two people play. Now here we are with renewed vigour; long may it continue. For those who don't know, (and I had never come across them) Talking Heads is a series of monologues, and quite touching and funny they are too. But at this moment in time I feel, as chairman, that we need to keep up the momentum and interest of our members. I asked Jo if he would consider having another go with Blythe Spirit which some of you will remember he had submitted for us before but couldn't cast. Jo very graciously agreed. Now, it's a quiet time of year for Castle Players (although from the packed programme below you wouldn't believe it). Loads of people from the Am Dram scene are off and involved in all sorts of outdoors shows and it's that time of year when we indulge in a little play reading on the second Sunday of every month for those who wish to come along. So it all seemed very apt that our first play read of the year (last May 13th) should be Noel Coward's Blythe Spirit. We had a very big turnout at the Rose and Crown for the read through, but Jo managed to ensure that all who wanted to read got an opportunity. I'd forgotten what a delightfully witty and beautifully crafted play this is. It was a really fun couple of hours at the end of which we all voted unanimously to stage it. To that end, we have auditions taking place at 2pm on 17th June at Lytchett Matravers Village Hall. As Castle Players is very inclusive we welcome anyone to come and audition whether you're members or not, so even if you're not interested this time yourself, maybe you know someone who would really like to get involved. Don't forget, it's not just actors either. We're always looking for talented people who like to help out with backstage, costumes, hair, makeup, sound and, well everything really. So do please come along. Find audition pieces here! While we on the subject of play reads (kind of) I must remind you of the next read-through which is on 10th June (details, as ever, below). If you'd like to join us for Sunday lunch in the Rose and Crown please let us know by contacting us. We can never escape the grasp of the EU. And this time theatres all over Europe including the UK could be blacked out if their plan to ban high energy lamps as used in theatre lighting is not stopped. Now I'm all for saving the planet but to be honest the amount of electricity used by theatre lighting is minuscule compared to all the other electricity used in the venue. Think about it. They're not all on at the same time usually. They're not even running full power most of the time and they're only on for a couple of hours. So please, please, tell all of your friends who love theatre to take a look at Keep stage lighting exempt petition to find out more and to sign the petition so we can stop this madness in its tracks. Thanks. Well, that's it from me. I'll no doubt see some of you around but if I don't beforehand hopefully I'll see you all in a tremendous turn out for the next play read and a wonderful turn out for Jo's auditions. Do come along, if you get a chance to be a part of Blythe Spirit it will be a fun ride. If I don't see you before have a fun time. If I do... All the best! Chairman Steve

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